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RS232 Control

RS232 is enabled when the expansion module is connected. A new menu option will appear to configure the baud rate.

RS232 commands

The remote buttons can be referenced either as hex or ascii. Commands can be terminated either by a '*' or CrLf

Valid hex references

standby (power on Sky Q) = 0c
sky = 80
tvguide (home on Sky Q) = cc
boxoffice = 7d
services = (search on Sky Q) 7e
interactive (... on Sky Q) = f5
info = cb
up = 58
down = 59
left = 5a
right = 5b
select = 5c
chanplus = 20
chanminus = 21
text = 3c
backup = 83
help = 81
rewind = 3d
pause = 24
play = (play/pause on Sky Q) 3e
fastfwd = 28
record = 40
stop = 3f
red = 6d
green = 6e
yellow = 6f
blue = 70
one = 01
two = 02
three = 03
four = 04
five = 05
six = 06
seven = 07
eight = 08
nine = 09
zero = 00

Valid ascii references


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Commands structure and examples:

cmdCTH -cmd = command CT = change target H = box type (or Q) followed by IP address.


to set IP for SkyHD on

to set IP for SkyQ on

CC - change command H - hex (or A ascii)


To send "down" as hex
##CCH= 59*

To send "down" as ascii
##CCA= ArrowDn*

to send standby as hex
##CCA= 0c*

to send standby as ascii
##CCA= Standby*

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